The "cigar tasting sheet" of the Cigar Club Association was drawn up in 2006 by Luigi Ferri and Paolo Trevisani, with the collaboration of Angelo Bigi, Massimiliano Cimino and Simone Scelsa, and was created on the occasion of the publication of the book "Cuban cigars ” by Mondadori (© 2006) and as such is protected by copyright.

The online version currently on the CCA website reproduces it in its entirety, with the only modification of the addition of the numerical score values in the "Final Judgment", recently adopted by the CCA Tasting Panel.

In this regard it is useful to point out that there are two other versions of the official file: a simplified one, published in the volume of the CCA 1st level Catadores Course (© 2009), and another more specific one, for the exclusive use of the CCA Tasting Panel (© 2010), edited by Luigi Ferri and Giuseppe Elefante.

Below are also the elements and evaluation criteria to be used to fill in the form which, with the exception of a few small variations, have also been published in the book "Cuban Cigars" by Mondadori.

Tasting Card

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